From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with engineering units

Working with engineering units

- [Lecturer] In engineering, that units of measure of a number is vitally important. So it's key to make units clear to anyone viewing your workbook. Most numbers in a spreadsheet cell have a unit of measure. This may be as simple as days or as complicated as British thermal units per pound, per degree Fahrenheit. But whichever the unit of measure is, you need to make them clear to the user of your model. And I'll show you some ways to handle that. Take our solar panel calculator. When I originally created this there were no indication of units of measure here and there's different ways to do that. So let me show you which ones. So the first simple method is to have the unit of measure included with the label like I did in these cells. And these clearly indicate that we expect a roof length all to be in meters while we expect a panel length to be in millimeters. So that's one way. Another way is to add the unit as a…
