From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with tables

Working with tables

- [Instructor] If your data grows, and it will, formulas, charts or pivot tables may end up connecting to just a part of your data. Tables make sure that that never happens. After watching this, you'll be able to identify when and how to use tables in Excel. So, many users create their spreadsheets like this. There's some data here, there's some formula here pointing to these cells, and there's a chart pointing at the data. But what happens if a new month comes along? Suppose we're in June 1st and we enter a large number here. As you can see, neither the chart nor the sum update, so that's no good at all. Of course, we can change the range that the chart is pointing to by just pulling this box, and of course, we can do the same for the formula, which know that's very easy to forget. So let's undo all these changes, and I'll show you a better way. And the way to fix this is to click on any cell of the table, go to the Home tab…
