From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with workbooks, worksheets, and cells

Working with workbooks, worksheets, and cells - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

Working with workbooks, worksheets, and cells

- [Instructor] Once you start editing recorded macros or even start writing your own from scratch, you will soon discover you'll need a way to handle multiple files in Excel or the many worksheets a workbook may contain. And almost every macro will have to address cells, so it's important to know how to address them as well. I will show you different ways of working with these objects, as VBA calls it. Although Power Query, also known as Get and Transform, has made many VBA macros, which are about manipulating data obsolete, there's still a need for VBA code that opens files and does something with them. So we need to know how to address workbooks in Excel. There are several ways to address workbooks. A special one is called the active workbook. That is the workbook that you currently have in front of you. So in our case, it's this workbook here with small table about divisions and names and departments. But there are…
