From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Work in the Visual Basic Editor

Work in the Visual Basic Editor - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Work in the Visual Basic Editor

- [Instructor] When you write or edit VBA code in Excel, you'll do so using the Visual Basic Editor. The editor gives you all the tools you need to manage your code effectively. In this movie, I will show you how to work with a Visual Basic Editor, and some of its components. My sample file is O1_03_VBEditor, and you can find it in the Chapter 1 folder of the Exercise Files collection. This sample file has three worksheets, but I'm really interested in working in the Visual Basic Editor. So I'll press Alt, F11 and go there. And you can see that from when I had saved the workbook previously, I have a macro that I created. So it's a subroutine that changes the format of a named table on worksheet number one, or actually on the active worksheet. Over on the left, you can see the Project Explore. And I'll go ahead and drag the code module over, and then drag the Project Explorer over to the side until I can see the entire…
