From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Adjust distances using factors

Adjust distances using factors

- [Presenter] Basic transportation problems assume normal road conditions, but anyone who travels knows that roads, trains, subways, airplanes, and frankly, anything else can suffer delays. In this movie, I will show you how to change your model to account for changes in road traffic such as construction or detours. My sample file is 0602 distance factors, and you can find it in the chapter six folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook contains the basic transportation problem that we used in chapter one, but I've added a couple of things. First off, on the right I have the previous solution, and we'll use this to compare the new solution that we get when we add a distance factor. And as you probably guessed, the other new element is here at the bottom left, and that is a factor table. The idea is that if road conditions are normal, then 270 miles from Amarillo to Abilene travels like 270 miles. However, if there were a delay perhaps due to construction, then we would…
