From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Calculate level of service metrics

Calculate level of service metrics

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we started outlining a worksheet to calculate level of service metrics. In this movie, we'll continue developing our solution by adding values and logic that calculate the metrics we need for our solver model. My sample file is 04_03_LevelOfService. And you can find it in the Chapter04 folder of the Exercise Files collection. We're continuing on with the work that we did in the previous movie, so I won't bother with a summary. Instead, I'll just continue on. The first thing we want to do is to calculate whether a particular distribution center is within a given distance of a city. To do that, we will create another array based on our data. So I will scroll down and select the cell range B13 to E22 and copy then, pressing Control + C. And then I will paste that range into the worksheet, starting at cell B27. So I've selected cell B27, Control + V, and there is the range we will…
