From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Create and run the Solver model

Create and run the Solver model

- [Instructor] After you implement linking constraints to allow solver to open facilities or keep them closed you can define your solver model to find a solution to the problem. In this movie, I will use the sample file 03_04_Solved. And you can find that in the chapter three folder of the exercise files collection. I'm continuing on with the worksheet that we created at the end of the last movie. So I will dive right in and create the solver model. So I'll go up to the data tab on the ribbon and then in the analyzed group, I'll click solver. And then I can work in the solver parameters dialogue box. Our objective cell is the total cost. So if I scroll down, I can collect cell C 28 and we want to minimize our total cost. And we want to do that by changing two sets of variable cells the on-off zero one and the number of units that are going from each distribution center to each city. So I'll click the by changing variable…
