From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Create and run the Solver model

Create and run the Solver model

- [Instructor] So far in this chapter, we have designed a worksheet that lets us calculate level of service constraints based on the distance between a warehouse and the wind farms they serve. In this movie we'll use what we've done so far to define and run a solver model to find the minimum cost solution that meets our level of service constraint. My sample file is 04_04_Solved and you can find it in the chapter four folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook is in the same state as the one we finished working on in the previous movie, so I'll move forward without review. We have everything in place for our solver model. So I'll go to the data tab and then over in the analyze group, click solver. And here we can set our objective cell. That is our total cost. So I will click the collapsed dialog button next to set objective and scroll down and click cell age 25 and then expand the dialog again. We…
