From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Create and run the Solver model

Create and run the Solver model

- [Instructor] After you have filled out a worksheet containing a transshipment problem you can define and run a model to find the optimal, or at least an optimal solution. In this movie, we'll define our constraints in solver and use the simplex engine to find an optimal solution. My sample file is 0204 solved. And you can find that in the chapter two folder of the exercise files collection. This worksheet contains data for demand and capacity for our wind farms which are the customers, distribution centers and then factories. Factories ship to distribution centers, DCS on to cities, or wind farms. We also have our inbound distances and outbound distance between each of the relevant pairs of entities. And then over on the right with the yellow colored cells we have the number of units that will be moving between factories and distribution centers and distribution centers to customers. And if we scroll down we also have…
