From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Define decision variables, constraints, and total cost

Define decision variables, constraints, and total cost - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

Define decision variables, constraints, and total cost

that provide values for constraints and overall cost. Solver will then use these formulas to find the optimal solution for your problem, assuming one exists. I'll continue the work we did in the previous movie with sample file, 01_03_Summary. That's an Excel workbook you can find in the Chapter One folder of the Exercise Files collection. So this workbook contains our data and also our outbound transport matrix. In this movie, I want to calculate the number of items moving to a particular customer and also coming from a distribution center. In the next movie, we will compare the number of items moving to each customer's demand and the number of items from each distribution center to that center's capacity. To find the sums that we need I will start by calculating the number of items moving to each city. So that will be, for example, Abilene in row 15 and cells H-15 to J-15. It will be the same for all the other rows,…
