From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Explore extreme scenarios

Explore extreme scenarios

- [Presenter] When you make small changes to a Solver model, such as a small change in demand or in capacity for a distribution center, then you won't get large changes in your solution. The question becomes, what happens if you make big changes to demand or capacity? And in this movie, we'll see what happens. My sample file is 06_03_ExtremeScenarios, and you can find it in the Chapter 6 folder of the Exercise Files collection. In this workbook, I have the same transportation model that we used in Chapter 1. So I have demand and then capacity and mileage, which if we're trying to minimize cost, gives us the solution outlined here in yellow and then over on the right so that we can compare this original solution to the changes that we made. We have previous demand and previous solution. So, let's make some big changes and see how it affects our model. First, let's change demand at Abilene from 600 down to 0. So we assume that either Abilene didn't need any parts or didn't place an…
