From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Find solutions based on a target cost

Find solutions based on a target cost

- [Instructor] So far, the solutions we have generated in this course have minimized total cost. This time, I'd like to set a target cost for a transportation problem. This type of solution is useful because you can see what happens if you relax the need to minimize cost for a particular transportation problem. My sample file is 06_04_TargetCost, and you can find it in the Chapter06 folder of the exercise files collection. In this workbook, I have the familiar transportation problem from Chapter01, and we have the current solution here, which will change, but I've also put in the previous demand and previous solution in columns M through P. So we'll be able to compare our results. I'll make a change to the Solver model by going to the data tab, clicking Solver, and then I'll change minimize for our objective function to value of, and then I'll type 87500. So instead of minimizing, I want to find a target value of $87,500, which is more than the minimum of 85,445. I'll click solve and…
