From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Implement linking constraints in Excel

Implement linking constraints in Excel

- [Instructor] Linking constraints let you require a solver model to pay the cost of opening a facility if any products flow through it. If a facility has been open, it can't be part of the solution. In this movie, I will show you how to add linking constraints to your transportation model. My sample file is 03 03 linking, and you can find it in the chapter three folder of the exercise files collection. In this workbook, I have a worksheet model or at least the start of one, where I have demand information and then also distribution center capacities. I have rearrange the distribution center capacity data and you can see here that I have their capacities, and any two of the distribution centers, each of which has a capacity of 1700 could fulfill the demand of 3325, which is the total demand for all of our wind firms. If we decide to use the distribution center, we must pay the associated fixed cost. Below that I have…
