From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Outline a transportation model in Excel

Outline a transportation model in Excel

- [Instructor] When you analyze a transportation problem, you must take the data and information you're given and set it up in an Excel worksheet. In this movie, I will show you one way to outline a transportation problem. My sample files, 01 02 outline, and you can find it in the chapter one folder of the exercise files collection. In this problem, we have items moving from a series of distribution centers to wind firms in various cities. At the left, in columns B, C and D. We have information about our wind firms, the destination for our wind firm replacement parts, and you also see the demand in addition to the city and state. To the right, we have our distribution centers and their associated capacities. Also note that we have total capacity and total demand. So total capacity for the distribution centers is at least as big as, that is greater than or equal to, the demand. If we had less capacity than demand,…
