From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Outline a transshipment problem in Excel

Outline a transshipment problem in Excel

- [Instructor] Transshipment problems involve at least two steps, shipment from a primary source, such as a factory, to an intermediate stop, such as a distribution center, and from there, on to the final destination. In this movie, I will show you how to outline a transshipment problem in an Excel worksheet. My sample file is 02_02_Outline and you can find it in the Chapter02 folder of the Exercise Files collection. The data that we are given to solve this problem comes in several parts. The first is the demand for each of our eight wind farms. Next, we have the capacity for our distribution centers and then the capacity for the factories. We also have the totals for each of those elements. And we can see factory capacity, which is here, is greater than or equal to the distribution center capacity, which is here. And finally, we see that the distribution center capacity is greater than or equal to demand. So it is at…
