From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Outline level of service constraint analysis in Excel

Outline level of service constraint analysis in Excel - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

Outline level of service constraint analysis in Excel

- [Instructor] When you want to require a minimum level of service as part of a transportation problem, you need to calculate your level of service based on the data available to you in your worksheet. In this case, we have an array of distances between our warehouses and wind farms. So we'll use that distance as the underlying value for our level of service analysis. I'll start by outlining the problem in this movie. My sample file is 04_02_Outline, and you can find that in the chapter four folder of the exercise files collection. If you've worked through the previous three chapters in this course, then the scenario will be familiar to you. We have eight wind farms and the cities, indicated here in column B. We also have three distribution centers each with their own capacity. And as a sanity check, you can make sure that the capacity for the distribution centers is at least as large as the demand. In this case it is…
