From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Perform sensitivity analysis

Perform sensitivity analysis

- [Instructor] Changing values by hand to see how a Solver solution changes can work if you make big changes, that will definitely affect the model. But it can be difficult to tell how much you have to change something to create a different solution. In this movie, I will show you how to have Solver create a sensitivity report so you can see how much a constraint would need to change to affect the shape of the solution. My sample file is 06_05_SensitivityAnalysis, and you can find it in the Chapter06 folder of the Exercise Files collection. In this workbook, I have the transportation model we used from Chapter 1, and the original solution is recorded here. And the solution that will change is here in the outbound transport area. When I refer to the shape of a solution, I mean the way that items in this case are distributed between distribution centers and customers. So the shape would be a value in H15, another value in I15, and another in J15. Then no value in J16 or 17, continuing…
