From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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Solution: Which distribution centers to open

Solution: Which distribution centers to open

(light music) - [Instructor] In the previous movie, I described a facility opening problem and invited you to solve it. In this movie, I'll show you how I would go about creating a solver model to minimize total cost in the scenario I provided. My sample file is 05_06_OpenOrClose, and you can find it in the chapter five folder of the exercise files collection. As I mentioned in the previous movie, this is a scenario based on Jenny's biscuits. And the only change that I've made from the base scenario is that I have increased the capacity for each of the bakeries. And the idea is that we might be able to use two instead of three facilities to minimize total cost. This is basically a transportation problem. So we know that we will need to move items from our bakeries to our customers. So that means we will have a transport array. I currently have my distance values in cells, B16 through E26, so I'll copy them, press…
