From the course: Excel Supply Chain Analysis: Solving Transportation Problems

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What you should know

What you should know

- [Instructor] Thanks again for your interest in this course. Before I jump into the technical material, I would like to give you an overview of what you should know to get the most out of this course. First, you should have good familiarity with functions. If you've used some product before, then that would be particularly helpful, but don't worry, I explain it as we go along. You should also be comfortable with absolute and relative references. Absolute references don't change when you copy a formula from one cell to another. Relative references can. Again, I'll explain it as I go, but if you haven't worked with them before, you might want to review from other sources. Finally, you should be able to work with Solver or at least install it. If you don't have Solver installed on your system currently, then I will show you how to do it here. I have opened a blank Excel workbook, and I can check to see if I already have…
