From the course: Excel: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP for Beginners

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Error-proof your formulas

Error-proof your formulas

- [Instructor] Now that we finished our XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP formulas, let's make sure they're error proof. I'll double click inside the cell that contains my XLOOKUP formula. Right now, it contains just the three required parameters. The lookup value, where we're looking at up from, and what to return if it finds that value. It works great so far until we type something that doesn't exist. If it can't find anything, it's going to return this awful-looking message. And this looks like we've done something wrong. And if you're creating this for people in your office to use, they might think they've done something wrong. We can give them a much nicer error message. And it's all built right in to the XLOOKUP function. I'll come into the end of my function and type a comma. We're going to get to the next parameter. It's optional, but it allows us to put in a text string that is a phrase wrapped around quotation marks…
