From the course: Excel: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP for Beginners

Find data quickly in Excel

- [Jess] VLOOKUP and the new and improved XLOOKUP are Excel functions that can look up a value in an Excel table or row and return related data. In a long spreadsheet, you can look up a price based on a part number or a phone number based on a name. These functions can be daunting and overwhelming if you don't have a lot of experience with Excel functions and formulas or maybe you've just used some basic ones. That's why we're here together today. My name is Jess Stratton, and in this LinkedIn Learning course, I'm going to show you how they work in their most simple form, and you'll see that not only is XLOOKUP not hard to use, but it's also incredibly powerful. Let's get started and have some fun.
