From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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Active listening

Active listening

- We've all been told how important it is to listen, right? But as one of my mentors says, effective listening is one of those things that's common sense but uncommon practice. Most of us are not even the best listeners and even if you are good at it, would it hurt to be better? As a facilitative leader, we want to create a safe space, empower ownership in our teams, and enable the team to move towards one goal. Doing all of these requires that you, the leader, be a great listener. It's foundational. There are many frameworks that describe what listening effectively is as well as many frameworks that describe how you can listen effectively. To describe what effective listening looks like, I'd like to lean on the three levels of listening that those who do a lot of executive coaching work often use. It's quite simple. The three levels are level one, listening to me. This happens when you're in conversation with someone, but you're largely thinking in your own head about a different…
