From the course: Financial Accounting Part 2

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Jim Stice operating cash flow matrix and a wife named Kay

Jim Stice operating cash flow matrix and a wife named Kay

From the course: Financial Accounting Part 2

Jim Stice operating cash flow matrix and a wife named Kay

- My name is Kay. - I know. (Kay chuckles) - And you've been making fun of me for years because of my name. - Now, I have not made fun of your name. I have simply observed that Kay is a female name. It just seems odd to me that a male would have a female name. - Well, hey, it's not my fault. It was your mother who gave me the name. - All I know is that she didn't give me a female name. She named me Jim, a man's name, a man's man's name. - Yeah, yeah, (laughs) yeah, yeah. So tell these guys how low you have stooped in order to make fun of my name. - Well, coincidentally, I happened to meet a woman named Kay, and I married her. Together, we have 7 children and 25 grandchildren. - You married her just to make fun of me. - I do confess that I enjoy telling people that I've slept in the same room with Kay Stice, either her or you, for my entire life. - Yeah, that's hilarious. Now, but in spite of the many trials…
