From the course: Foundations of Corporate Training

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Making training that employees want

Making training that employees want

From the course: Foundations of Corporate Training

Making training that employees want

- According to Corporate University Exchange, a learning and development research company, less than 18% of internal training are on topics relating specifically to an employee's job. As a learning practitioner, does this give you pause? Perhaps cause for concern? This is why training often leaves a negative impression. Employees don't experience any direct benefit of time taken away from their work. And for employers, it's waste of resources. There are ways to increase this percentage and have employees see the value of your training. Consider these tips to get people intrigued and excited about your next learning initiative. First, find out what your learners want. Conduct a focused needs analysis by not only comparing job descriptions with the employees' skill gaps, but have conversations with the people actually doing the work. Doing so equips you to fully appreciate the individual needs and better identify the actual skill gaps and not the theoretical ones. Learning should be…
