From the course: Generative Design Foundations

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Andrew Heumann - WeWork

Andrew Heumann - WeWork

- Generative design started, for me, as just a way to actually save myself work. So when I was a student in architecture school, there was a pretty early project where we were expected to build this very complex physical model and someone showed me that you could use Grasshopper, which is a generative design tool within the 3D modeling package Rhino, which allowed you to automatically generate all of the necessary drawings to produce this model. As soon as you can write a script that generates something, you can actually start think with it and design with it, and I think that's the thing that was really exciting to me, as a young designer, was to have a sort of aid for my creative process. It doesn't take away control. If anything, it gives you greater control by forcing you to think about the process in a systemic way, and you know, with scripting tools, environments like Grasshopper, you're actually writing your own tools.…
