From the course: Generative Design Foundations

Generative design is transforming industry

From the course: Generative Design Foundations

Generative design is transforming industry

- Our world is rapidly changing. And with that change come new challenges for the world's designers to solve. Now as our design problems become more and more complex, we need to address new tools and technologies that can help us manage that complexity and deliver the most innovative solutions to the world's most challenging problems. Now technological innovation is nothing new to the design industry. A city like New York is constantly evolving based on designers, architects and engineers using new technologies to change the way that they design our cities and our buildings. However, in recent years, the emergence of artificial intelligence has brought up a whole new way for technology to change our design process. Instead of just simplifying common tasks, these new algorithms can actually figure out how to solve complex problems on their own. Now despite the potentials of this kind of automation, design will always be a fundamentally creative process that relies on people's unique intuition and ingenuity. Because of this, designers will always have a role to play in the design process. However, as the technology develops, the nature of that role is likely to change, and we as designers must change with it. I'm Danil Nagy, and I've been using Generative design for the last ten years in my own design work. And now, I'm going to teach you how to use these technologies to automate your design work flows and unlock your full creative potential. We're also going to hear from some of my friends and colleagues who are top leaders in this industry and are using Generative design to change the way that they work today. Now let's unlock your design super powers using Generative design.
