From the course: Getting Started as a LinkedIn Learning Hub Admin

Customize your account settings

- [Instructor] As an admin, you're taking on some extra responsibilities on the platform. For this reason, I recommend that you take some time to familiarize yourself with your account settings so you can customize them accordingly. Now, in order to access my settings, I'm going to navigate to the upper right, to the Me icon, and from the dropdown under account settings, I want to select one of these three. I'll select integrate, and this brings me to my settings page. Note that which settings you're able to customize will depend on the level of admin that you have permissions for. Now, up at the top, I can see three different tabs. We have integrate, authenticate, and customize. First, I'm under integrate, and these are mainly IT settings. One's for doing things like, integrating your learning management system, third party content. You can add content to your learning management system from LinkedIn Learning, and more. The next one is authenticate. This we're not going to cover in this course, but this is where you'd go if you wanted to configure single sign-on for your organization and automate user management, and so on. But I want to take a look up at the top on the far right, the customized settings. Now the first one is for co-branding. This one we saw when we branded our platform, but underneath here we have several more. The first is notifications on LinkedIn, and this is determining who you'll send notifications to activate their licenses. In this case, right now I have notify invited learners. I'll keep it at that. Next is authentication, and you can have here how long browser sessions are. I have mine set for the recommended ones, but you can choose whatever you want. Next you have insights where you can decide on the level of reporting that's available to your admins. Under this, you have learner features. This one is really important because it will determine what your learners are able to see and utilize on the LinkedIn Learning platform. So in other words, if you don't want them to have access to the Learner Notebook where they can take notes as they take a course, then you can turn that off. I'm not really sure why you would, but I'll keep that on. And then we'll go down. Now, question and answers. If you don't want that to be on, you could turn it off. The social panel. Maybe you don't want that on. Ratings and reviews for the courses. You can display jobs at your company, career goal setting, AI-powered coaching. If you didn't want them to have access to something like AI-powered coaching, again, you would just turn that off, and at any time you can go turn it back on. And then next role explore. You can turn that on and off here. Back up at the top, here is emails to admins and curators followed below by emails to learners. These I like to take a look at because it will determine what emails are sent out. Now, if people in your organization are saying that they're receiving too many emails, maybe not enough emails, you can go in here to determine what it is that you'd like to share. For example, here is emails to new administrators, to new curators, emails to engage curators. So maybe you think, this one's a little extra, so I'll turn it off. I could confirm that. In this case, I want to turn that back on, though. Emails to admins for low license activation. And then with the learners, same thing. You can decide what you want them to receive things for. Do you want an invitation to activate a welcome one? Maybe I don't want that. Again, I can confirm that and now they won't receive it. Finally, on the bottom we have email templates, and these are the email templates that you can use to quickly send emails out to people where it has your personalized language from your company, and it can save you a lot of time. We'll take a look at this in another video. Ultimately though, that's a quick look at the settings, something I recommend taking some time on when you're getting started. Taking a little time to do this upfront can save a lot of time and frustration down the road.
