From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Add authentication to a web app

Add authentication to a web app - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Add authentication to a web app

- [Announcer] So now that you've seen how easy it is to create and scale a web app in Microsoft Azure, let's look at some other cool things you can do in a web app, starting with authentication. Now, authentication is a process that determines who is trying to access some kind of resource. You might be familiar with password authentication, where you're required to enter a username and password to authenticate to a website or to an app, and you can certainly do that with a web app and App Service as well. But it's way easier on users of your app if they can simply authenticate using a service they might already be authenticated to. So, for example, maybe you want to allow someone to authenticate to your web app using their Microsoft account or their Google account. This is actually pretty common. It's likely you've been to a website at some point and seen the option to log in with an account from another app or site. In…
