From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning

- [Instructor] Another powerful AI service in Azure is Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Machine Learning is a cloud service that's aimed at machine learning professionals, and it makes it easier to train and deploy machine learning models. It includes the ability to store big data and manipulate that data, and by big data, what I mean is so much data that a human being could not analyze it within any reasonable amount of time. It makes it easy for data scientists to develop their own ML models and then to validate and deploy those models, and it also provides powerful monitoring tools for keeping an eye on your ML models. Now, a demo of Azure Machine Learning in the time that we have together is not really feasible. In fact, we could do an entire course on Azure Machine Learning and still only scratch the surface, but if you want to check out this cool service for yourself, you can browse to, and…
