From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Configure backups for a web app

Configure backups for a web app - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Configure backups for a web app

- [Instructor] Okay, you've created your web app, you've deployed your code, you've configured your authentication, and everything's good to go. And then one of those people helping you with your app accidentally deletes it and it's all gone. Now, you might be thinking there's no way such a thing can happen, but let me tell you, it definitely does happen. Many years ago, I supported web apps at Microsoft and it wasn't uncommon for people to call in a panic because that very thing had happened. Now, fortunately, one of the cool features available in App Service is Web App Backups, and a backup allows you to easily recover your web app if it gets deleted. Now, these are durable and reliable backups that are backed up in Azure storage. So your backups are also in the cloud. If you have a web app that changes often, and you want to make sure your backups always up to date, you can schedule your backups so they happen…
