From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Create a web app

Create a web app

- [Instructor] We've spent a lot of time so far digging into VMs in Azure. Let's take a bit of a departure and look at another popular Azure service, and that's Azure App Service. App Service is a PaaS service, that's platform as a service, that makes it easy to create and manage websites in Azure. Well, hold on a minute. That's true. It lets you easily create websites, but not only websites. App Service is actually a service that supports the development of any kind of application that is accessed using an HTTP endpoint. In other words, if you want to create an application that is accessed using a URL, that starts with HTTP or HTTPS, you can create that app in App Service. One thing that all apps service apps have in common is the underlying way they're implemented in Azure. When a request comes into an App Service app, it first hits an Azure load balancer, and this load balancer is responsible for distributing load…
