From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Explore inside an Azure datacenter

Explore inside an Azure datacenter - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Explore inside an Azure datacenter

- [Instructor] I've already told you that an Azure datacenter is a physical building within an Azure region, and you could literally drive right up to an Azure region and check it out for yourself. Well, you could if you were approved to do that, I guess. You can't just walk into an Azure datacenter. It's a secure complex, and everyone who enters it must go through a secure checkpoint. In fact, Azure regions are surrounded by a secure perimeter fence, so you could drive up to it, but you'd be driving up to that perimeter fence. Now, there's a lot of power and other resource usage in an Azure region and in the datacenters, but Microsoft uses clean energy facilities, and they focus on sustainability. Microsoft invests heavily in clean energy and ensuring that the ecological footprint of Azure is as small as possible. The Azure datacenter building is designed to host reliable Azure services, and each datacenter has an…
