From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Manage blob storage with Storage Explorer

Manage blob storage with Storage Explorer - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Manage blob storage with Storage Explorer

- [Instructor] Azure Storage Explorer is a free tool that you can use to manage your Azure storage. You can download Azure Storage Explorer for Windows for Linux or macOS, and using Azure Storage Explorer, you can copy things to and from Azure Storage, and that even includes copying things from other clouds into Azure storage. You can also generate SAS tokens to give others access to your storage, and you can change between the Hot, Coo, and the Archive tiers in Blob Storage really easily. So it's now demo time. Let's go have a look at Azure Storage Explorer. You'll see Blob Storage in action and you'll understand how to use Storage Explorer to manage your Azure storage Blobs. Here we are in Azure Storage Explorer. Now I've already connected Storage Explorer to my Azure subscription. If you haven't done that yet, there'll be a link over here on the left hand side that you can click, and it will have you authenticate…
