From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Manage resources with Azure PowerShell

Manage resources with Azure PowerShell - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Manage resources with Azure PowerShell

- [Instructor] Alright, so as you've seen, the Azure Portal is a super easy way to create and manage Azure resources. And that said, some people prefer to use the Azure Portal, but other people might prefer to use the command line. And Azure offers great tools for those people too. Azure PowerShell is a cross platform command line tool that works on Windows, it works on Linux, or macOS. PowerShell used to be a Windows-only tool, but now you can install it on any operating system. Now to create and manage Azure resources with PowerShell, you use the Az PowerShell module and some services even offer extensions to the Az module for additional functionality. Out of the different command line tools that you can use, Azure PowerShell is a great choice if you're already familiar with PowerShell. So let's have a look at Azure PowerShell and how you can use it to investigate your resources and create Azure resources. So this is…
