From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Resize a virtual machine

Resize a virtual machine

- [Instructor] Let's say you've created a VM, it's been working great for you, but now you need more power. You'll be happy to know that you can resize a VM. And doing so gives you not only a VM of a different size, but also one that has additional capability. What I mean by that is you can resize a VM to get more CPU power or more memory. You can also get better disk throughput and higher networking throughput. Finally, and this might be important to you, if you're using your VM for any work on artificial intelligence. You can get more graphical processing unit or GPU power by resizing to a more powerful VM. Now I will point out that when you resize a VM to a larger configuration, you are going to pay more for that VM. Therefore, if you reach a point where you no longer need such a powerful VM, you'll want to resize it to a smaller VM that fits your needs so you can save money. Okay, so we have a VM that we created…
