From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Understand Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

Understand Azure Resource Manager (ARM) - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

Understand Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

- [Instructor] There are many ways to interact with Azure to create and manage Azure resources. You can use a web-based portal, which we're going to look at here very soon. You can use a mobile app on your phone or tablet. You can use software development applications like Visual Studio. You can use command line tools. Seriously, there are a lot of options. And because of that, Microsoft needed a way to ensure that all of these options create and manage resources in a way that's repeatable, predictable, and reliable. In other words, no matter which tool is used, resources need to always be created and managed in exactly the same way. So for that reason, Microsoft created Azure Resource Manager or ARM. ARM uses templates to deploy Azure resources in a predictable way. And an ARM template is really just a text file that defines Azure resources that ARM needs to create or manage. The bottom line is no matter how you…
