From the course: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

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Understand Azure Storage

Understand Azure Storage

- [Instructor] Back when I was talking about backing up web apps, I mentioned that you can use web app backups to back up a database. And a database is a pretty common thing that's used in most apps, 'cause it represents a way for you to store data that your app can use. However, you might not need all the features that a database system provides in your app. Instead, you might just want to store some data in an easy and scalable way. And for those types of scenarios, Azure Storage is a great choice. Azure Storage offers many different services for storage. And the one we're going to look at right now is called Azure Blob Storage. Blob Storage is for storing unstructured files, files like images, documents, videos, really any kind of file that you might store, let's say on your hard drive. You can organize files in what's called containers, and you can think of containers as being much like a file folder on your hard…
