From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Cloud computing service models

Cloud computing service models

The world of cloud computing has a diverse set of computing service models to choose from depending on customer requirements. You might have heard of terms like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. These terms represent the different cloud computing models provided as a service by cloud providers. As a service refers to the way IT resources are consumed in these models and is a key difference between cloud computing and traditional IT. In traditional IT, an organization consumes resources such as hardware, software, and development tools by purchasing, installing, managing, and maintaining them in its own on-premises or self managed data center. Organizations are responsible for all of their IT infrastructure when it's completely on-premises. In cloud computing, the cloud service provider owns, manages, and maintains the resources. The customer consumes those resources which are provided on a subscription or pay as you go basis. All you need is an Internet connection. Cloud computing allows for a…
