From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Cloud eras

Cloud eras

To understand the cloud computing landscape today and what true digital transformation looks like, we should first understand how we got here. It started with the VM Cloud Era. VM stands for Virtual Machine. New organizations, mostly startups, realized that they could forgo ever buying or operating hardware and just start in the cloud. This was a major catalyst for many of the great cloud native companies that we all rely on today, such as Twitter, Spotify, and PayPal. By the end of this first VM Cloud Era, very few startups operated their own data centers. Next was the Infrastructure Cloud Era, which is when organizations migrated their IT Infrastructure to the cloud. This migration saved costs because infrastructure could scale up and down more quickly and easily. Faster development was possible because companies didn't need long term infrastructure planning, and security was better. Also, reducing the management load on IT staff lets organizations direct more people and resources…
