From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Course introduction

Course introduction

There's a lot of excitement about cloud technology and digital transformation. But you might also have many unanswered questions. For example, what is cloud technology? What does digital transformation mean? How does cloud technology help you or your organization? Where do you even begin? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, you're in the right place. At Google Cloud, we want to provide you with the necessary information and tools for success as you begin your journey to the cloud and digital transformation. This course, Digital transformation with Google Cloud was designed to help you understand why and how the cloud revolutionizes businesses, explain general cloud concepts, and identify the benefits and trade offs of using Iaas or Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS or Platform as a Service and SaaS or Software as a Service. You'll begin by defining some important terms that you'll hear throughout the course and by describing the benefits of adopting cloud technology to…
