From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Course summary

Course summary

This concludes the Digital Transformation with Google Cloud course, where you learned about the foundations of cloud technology and saw how this technology is changing business in a digital era. In the first section of the course, Why Cloud Technology is Transforming Business, you learned key terms related to cloud and digital transformation, the benefits of cloud technology with regard to an organization's digital transformation, the differences between on-premises infrastructure, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and multicloud and the drivers and challenges that lead organizations to undergo a digital transformation. In the second section of the course, Fundamental Cloud Concepts, you learned the benefits of moving to cloud infrastructure through customer business use cases, the difference between a solution and a product in Google Cloud, how moving to the cloud shifts an organization's spending from capital expenditure to operating expenses and how that affects their…
