From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

Executive introduction

Some people imagine that the technical capacity to understand the use of the cloud is all you need in order to transform a business. And I think this would be a big mistake. Hello, my name is Vint Cerf. I'm Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google. My primary job is to make sure there is more Internet out there for everyone, but my big interest is making sure that cloud is useful as well. I think if you are concerned about being ready for cloud, you need to understand what its capabilities are, what it can deliver. You don't necessarily have to understand in great detail how it does it, but you have to appreciate what it can do and how much flexibility it offers in terms of new products and services, or transforming ways in which old businesses operate. Without that insight, without that understanding, it's very hard to steer yourself into an advantageous place in the cloud world. If you think a little bit about the scale of the cloud, you'll appreciate that most companies and certainly most individuals would not be capable of investing in and maintaining the computing capacity and data storage capacity of today's clouds. That transformation means that companies have access to facilities they otherwise could not get access to. Failure to at least attend to new technology could be a fatal risk. And that's why we think everyone should be at least aware of what the new technologies are and whether or not they fit into the corporate structure. Let's talk a little bit about leadership. I think most leaders don't need to know in detail how the Internet works, but they have to have a kind of fundamental appreciation for what it means to get access to cloud based technology through the Internet. Think of the Internet and the cloud as an enabling infrastructure that can be purposed in infinite different ways. So it's important that the leaders at least have a conceptual grasp of what these technologies can do for their companies, their products, and services. This is not just about technology, it's about how technology is used. And that requires real vision.
