From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Google Cloud regions and zones

Google Cloud regions and zones

Google has invested billions of dollars over the years to build its network, which is one of the largest networks of its kind on earth. It's designed to give customers the highest possible throughput and lowest possible latencies for their applications. Google Cloud's infrastructure is based in five major geographic locations; North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Having multiple service locations is important because choosing where to locate applications affects qualities like availability, durability, and latency, the latter of which measures the time a packet of information takes to travel from its source to its destination. Each of these locations is divided into several different regions and zones. Regions represent independent geographic areas and are composed of zones. For example, London or Europe- west-2 is a region that currently comprises three different zones. A zone is an area where Google Cloud resources are deployed. For example, if you launch a…
