From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Google’s edge network

Google’s edge network

A recommended best practice for organizations is to keep their traffic on Google's private network for most of its journey. Using the same network that powers products like Gmail, Google Search and YouTube allows organizations to take advantage of the performance that global infrastructure provides. When a user opens a Google app or web page, Google responds to that request from an edge network location that will provide the lowest latency. Understanding Google's edge network and how it maintains caches that store popular content near its users helps organizations choose when to hand off traffic to Google. A network's edge is defined as a place where a device or an organization's network connects to the Internet. It's called the edge because it's the entry point to the network. Google's edge network is how we connect with ISPs to get traffic to and from users. It's made up of network infrastructure that organizations can hand off traffic to based on user's needs, performance and cost.…
