From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Network performance: Bandwidth and latency

Network performance: Bandwidth and latency

Now that you've been introduced to some of the fundamentals of networking, let's explore how networks perform and are measured. Two important terms in networking are bandwidth and latency. Let's define them both. Bandwidth is a measure of how much data a network can transfer in a given amount of time. This rate of data transfer is typically measured in terms of megabits per second or Mbps or gigabits per second or Gbps. Generally speaking, a higher bandwidth allows a computer to download information from the internet more quickly. One way to think of bandwidth is to picture water flowing through a pipe. The bandwidth would be the volume of water, a pipe can handle flowing through per second. A wider pipe can handle more water. An Internet service provider may provide a home Internet connection with 100 Mbps to over 1 gigabit per second. A data center may have lines with bandwidth from 10-100 gigabits per second. Having a high bandwidth is useful when sending a large amount of data per…
