From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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Real-world examples: Why it’s critical to transform and embrace new technology

Real-world examples: Why it’s critical to transform and embrace new technology - Google Cloud Platform Tutorial

From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

Real-world examples: Why it’s critical to transform and embrace new technology

As the world and business change, keeping technology the same instead of being open to transforming is risky for an organization. Let's illustrate this by looking at two examples. One embraces new technology and uses it to their advantage and the other doesn't. First up is Nintendo. Nintendo has been creating games since 1889. They started with traditional Japanese playing cards called Hanafuda, which were made possible by the printing press. From there, they have consistently used new technology to transform their business and become a leader in the gaming industry. They were even among the first to introduce gaming consoles and mobile gaming devices. Still, they didn't just stop after these successes. Instead, they revolutionized mobile gaming when they launched Pokemon Go in 2016 and then the first cloud gaming console, Nintendo Switch, one year later in 2017. At a time when most of their competitors were failing, Nintendo transformed by using one new technology after the next…
