From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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This brings us to the end of the second section of the digital transformation with Google Cloud Course. Let's do a quick review of some fundamental cloud concepts. We covered examples of how customers from different industries were able to transform their business through creating new ways of working when moving to the cloud. Calculating the total cost of ownership differs greatly from the static and long term procurement on-premises world to the more dynamic and on-demand cloud world. Moving to cloud means shifting spending from a capital expenditure to operational expenses model, enabling organizations to pay only for what they use and only when they use it. We defined private, hybrid, and multicloud and described the different business drivers that lead an organization to choose these kinds of approaches. And finally, you learned the importance of a fast, reliable, and low latency global network as a foundation to transformation and exceptional user experience.
