From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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This brings us to the end of the third section of the digital transformation with Google Cloud Course. Let's do a quick review of cloud computing models and shared responsibility. You learnt about the three main cloud computing service models; IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS or Platform as a Service, and SaaS or Software as a Service. Each model brings a different level of service and set of products to suit an organization's needs. You also learnt about how the main benefits and trade offs of each cloud computing model can help organizations choose the one that best fits their business. Organizations will be better equipped to make the right resourcing and budget decisions, knowing exactly what is involved in each computing model. Finally, you learned about the shared responsibility between the cloud provider and its customers. While the cloud provider will keep the cloud infrastructure safe and secure, it's the responsibility of the customer to keep his data secure.
