From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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The benefits of cloud computing

The benefits of cloud computing

So what are the benefits of cloud computing compared to traditional on-premises infrastructure? It's scalable. Cloud computing gives organization's access to scalable resources and the latest technologies on-demand. So they don't need to worry about capital expenditures or limited fixed infrastructure. This can significantly accelerate infrastructure deployment time. It's flexible. Organizations and their users can access cloud services from anywhere with an Internet connection, scaling services up or down as needed to meet business requirements. It's agile. Organizations can develop new applications and rapidly get them into production without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It offers strategic value. Because cloud providers stay updated with the latest innovations and offer them as services to customers, organizations can get more competitive advantages and a higher return on investment than if they'd invested in soon to be obsolete technologies. This lets…
