From the course: Google Cloud Digital Leader Cert Prep: 1 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

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The Google Cloud Adoption Framework

The Google Cloud Adoption Framework

So how can organizations approach their cloud journey? Moving to the cloud offers enormous benefits for transforming businesses. Yet there are also risks. The challenge is multi-dimensional with far reaching implications for the solutions that will run in the cloud and also for the technologies that support them, the people who must implement them, and the processes that govern them. The rubric of people, process, and technology is a familiar one. It forms the basis of the Google Cloud adoption framework, which was created to support customers on their cloud journey. The value of the Google Cloud adoption framework is that it serves as a map to help organizations adopt the cloud quickly and effectively by creating a comprehensive action plan for accelerating cloud adoption. It does this by structuring and aligning short term tactical, mid-term strategic, and long term transformational business objectives. It provides a solid assessment of where an organization is in its cloud journey…
